Undoubtedly, the most important and exciting aspect of the entire Indian wedding shopping is picking out the bridal outfit. Every bride-to-be is constantly scouring her favourite magazines for the latest trends in Indian wedding outfits. She eagerly awaits the day when she can unleash herself onto the market and emerge with her dream lehenga or saree. But if you thought that shopping for your bridal outfits was a breeze, let us tell you that Indian wedding shopping is nothing short of an adventure! That dream bridal lehenga or saree might elude you for hours as you painstakingly step out from one store into another. So, to save all our pretty brides from making any mistakes, Siyaa is sharing some tips that they should keep in mind while shopping for their wedding outfit.

  1. Know Your Budget

It really helps to have a clear cut idea about the budget that you are setting aside for your Indian wedding shopping. This way, you won’t even venture into stores that sell merchandise that is way beyond your budget. Also, when you are asking the store assistant to show you outfits, outlining a budget will help you narrow down the choices. It is natural for brides to get carried away while shopping for Indian wedding outfits from Best Bridal Lehenga store in Kolkata, what with the eye popping variety of outfits on offer. If you set off with a budget in mind, you will be able to control that urge to stretch yourself too much.

   2. Limit Your Shopping Group

Agreed that you are shopping for your big day, but this doesn’t mean that you set off with a platoon of people with the assumption that they will help you make the right decision about your Indian wedding outfits. We do not know about others, but we definitely feel that in the case of Indian wedding shopping, the more the messier. Too many people would mean many conflicting opinions which will only end up confusing you. Take along your mother or your sister and a best friend whose fashion sensibilities you appreciate. They will help you focus on what looks good and speed up your decision making process.

   3. Wear Easy To Take Off Clothes And Footwear

Since you are going to be picking your bridal outfits during your shopping spree, you are likely try every single piece that catches your fancy. The thing about Indian wedding outfits is that they tend to be bulky and difficult to wear. In order to be sure that you don’t get tired from all the trying-on before you find your dream outfit, we suggest that you wear comfortable clothes that are easy to take off. In fact, if you ask us, we’d recommend you to go on your shopping expedition in a pair of tights with a tank top and a scarf thrown over. Indian wedding outfits that you are trying can actually be slipped over your tights and tank top without difficulty.

4. Choose For Your Current Size

It is natural for brides to have a plan to lose a couple of inches before the wedding. But this definitely does not mean that you should buy clothes that are an inch or two tighter than your current size. To prevent any last minute size catastrophe, we suggest that you pick clothes in your current size only. In case you manage to lose that stubborn flab, you could always get your Indian wedding outfits altered within a day!

5. Call In For Specific Outfits

If you have seen a specific outfit from a designer on the ramp and want to try the same thing at the Best Wedding store in Kolkata, then you can actually call them to make it available to you. High profile Best Lehenga store Kolkata like Siyaa take requests on the phone for a particular outfit and make sure that it is available for you to try on the day that you are visiting. This way, you can make sure that an outfit you’ve had your eye on is there for you when you are out doing your Indian wedding shopping.

6. Wear More Makeup Than Usual

Sometimes, your outfit is so extravagant that it starts looking loud when you have extra makeup on. So to make sure that you don’t pick something too loud, wear a touch of extra makeup on the day when you are going to be doing your Indian wedding shopping – a dash of kohl, some blush on the cheeks and a dab of a dark shade of lipstick should do the trick. This means that when you put your outfit on you will have a fair idea about how your overall look will be on the wedding day.

7. Don’t Ever Compromise

It is the end of the day and you have not yet found an outfit that you like! Don’t be disheartened. It is absolutely fine if your Indian wedding shopping takes longer than expected because after all, you don’t buy Indian wedding outfits every year! Don’t lose patience and settle for something that does not make your heart sing. It is your big day and you want to look and feel great, especially since you’re spending so much money. Go back home, get some rest and start afresh the next day!

8. Sale And Discounts Are Not For Your Wedding Dress

We know that every woman loves scoring a great deal, but sales and discounts are usually on pieces from the previous season. We think that as a bride, you should wear Indian wedding outfits in the latest colours and styles. So forget about bargain hunting for now and set your sights on the new collections. After all, you want to absolute best.

9. Click Lots Of Pictures

The mirror lies, many a times. What you feel looks good on you may not really flatter you so well. The best way to make sure that an outfit you are trying looks good on you is to make she you get a few other opinions and to take photographs to see what it looks like on camera. Take lots of pictures from different angles after trying a dress or a saree on. Share it with your fiance if possible, because after all, he too needs to like what you are wearing.

10. Factor In Your Accessories In The Final Look

Many brides make the mistake of looking at Indian wedding dresses singularly and judging them for their extravagance. What you should factor in here is the kind of accessories that you would wear as well. A heavy choker or a necklace with multiple layers will actually look regal even when it is paired with a simple blouse or choli. So when you are out doing your Indian wedding shopping, if possible, carry your accessories with you. Or else, try to imagine what the dress will look like with your necklace and earrings and then make the decision to buy it.

We hope you’ve made a mental note of the things to remember when shopping for your Indian wedding outfits, that you have a successful shopping outing and come back with bridal wear that is the stuff of your dreams.

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